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Mid-Autumn Festival is an important part of Chinese traditional culture, symbolizing reunion and blessing. In this special festival, mooncakes, as a traditional delicacy, carry strong cultural conn...
如果你对容健科技还有更多想了解与咨询的事项,欢迎您到时莅临展馆A区 4.1馆4560号,与我们进行更深入交流与沟通。
2021年已过一半,面对新冠肺炎疫情、世界经济衰退和外部压力加大的三重冲击,党中央国务院统筹部署新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济社会发展工作,国内新冠肺炎疫情在短期内得到了较好的控制,中国经济长期向好的基本面未变,经济增长中枢仍然处于稳定运行通道。        2020年中国经济增长1.9%,是全球唯一实现正增长的主要经济体。可以不无自豪地说,这是一份人民满意、世界瞩目、可以载入史册的答卷,令无数中...
容健科技亮相华南印刷展     “时隔一年参展,从展会第一天的客户来看,我觉得和疫情前基本差不多,唯一的区别就是大家都带来了一个口罩。”3月4日,华南印刷展开幕日,在广交会展馆A区5.1号馆5502展位上,总经理吴应义接受小C采访时如是说道。       不仅季节上进入春天,市场也趋于“春天”,这给有所准备的有心人大干一场的机会!作为创新型企业,容健科技的“创新”不仅是技术层面的,也是市场层...
从2020年海外订单受到重挫到2021年开年“订单飘红”,容健科技在海外疫情仍未明显受制的今天,海外订单迅速飙升。全自动尖底纸袋机海外订单开年迅速飙升      “我接了一个来自海外的订单,就有一千来万”,牛年伊始,刚上班的容健科技销售总监蔡锦波接受媒体采访时透露。       从2020年海外订单受到重挫到2021年开年“订单飘红”,容健科技在海外疫情仍未明显受制的今天,海外订单迅速飙升...
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In the production process of hardcover books, the book cover machine undoubtedly plays a crucial role. It is the behind the scenes hero who perfectly integrates design and quality, and its precise ...
In today's packaging and printing field, gift boxes serve as exquisite outerwear for products, carrying brand image and consumer expectations, and their importance is self-evident. As a key materia...
In recent years, the food delivery packaging industry has been continuously exploring development paths in dimensions such as "green" and "performance". Among them, how to establish effective inter...
The demand for paper bag packaging is becoming increasingly strong in industries such as food and beverage, retail, e-commerce, and pharmaceuticals. This growth trend is mainly due to paper bags gr...
1. Advantages of kraft paper: Kraft paper has high toughness and solidity, and is not easily torn. This type of paper is generally suitable for printing monochrome or two-color paper bags with limi...
Skin wrapping machine is an automated equipment used for wrapping various products. It can achieve precise measurement and rapid edge wrapping of products of different shapes and specifications thr...
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容健科技诚邀您莅临CHINA PRINT 2021CHINA PRINT等同于drupa的印刷盛会作为疫情过后的首次全球大展这场展会势必万众聚焦新品迭出、绚烂多彩这么热闹的活动怎能少了容健呢?看,他们来了青春容健——乘风破浪而来参展理念有容乃大、积健为雄浙江容健科技有限公司(以下简称容健科技)成立之初,就有一个非常响亮的口号——有容乃大、积健为雄,很巧妙地将公司公司与成立理念相融合。在发展初...
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